Wave Agent

If you are looking for a great way to log and create audio reports of your on set audio, look no further! Wave Agent from Sound Devices is a great application for Mac and Pc and best of all its absolutely 100% FREE!

Wave agent allows you to import individual files or drop in a whole folder of the days takes. You can then  rename files, mark the scene and take number, mark as a wild track, circle as a good take, change the audio sample rate and if need be the frame rate too.

If you have been recording using more than 1 track and the poly wav standard (1-8 tracks in a single file) you can also name each individual track in the ‘Track info’ box ready for ingest into an audio editor. If your audio editor cannot read poly wav files you also have the ability to split and combine channels into mono or stereo files. The last (and very helpful) box at the bottom allows you to add any notes from the day that you feel may be needed in the edit.

Now why am i telling you about all these great little details that allow you to add extra information, well its because at the end of the day you can create a pdf or csv file with all this information laid out neatly in an easy to read format (which come edit time is invaluable).

So there you have it, one of the best FREE applications a sound recordist could need.

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